Startup lessons from the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Why now, because I am doing startups now, because last year at this time, I was not exactly doing a startup, Because startup doers always learn from everything around, Because His life has got a lot to teach us, and Because his birthday this month reminded me of this compilation and I put it into todo list, which took long time to get done, so here it is:

1. Don’t just think about being Disruptive, do it Right from right now.
Yes, that much we know about him, he was Disruptive by birth, whatever you learn, implement and utilize it right now, (Obviously if you need it). In this era of apps and technology, when we work out anything thats even little useful, we try calling it disruptive.

2. Don’t rush for cash / investments. Most basic things that can change the world do not require cash. Just invest yourself at the fullest.
You see, he lived a cashless life and still he is there on the currency. There was not just vision behind everything he wanted to do, but also their was the real requirement to do those things.

3. Aim for adding values to your product, most are just building apps and webpages.
We know his stories from the day of his school which were about values and lessons learnt right there. As far as values as concerned, Your values of life have to be revealed in your products.

4. And Finally utilize your fan following and connections for useful tasks.
Yes he had some great fan following which he utilized in best possible methods. This fan following didn’t came from nowhere, he worked hard to stick to his values so people could understand the worth of these values, follow him and expected a lot out of him.

5. Travel as much as you can.
This might be a complex point to understand but it definitely helps one to understand the problems around, and eventually come up with solutions for them. And best thing is walking for thinking.

Also, I read an article at Product Nation whose events I always missed yet.. here Its kind of a right thought when we talk about a nation having boundries, situation is basically the same as it was when Mr Gandhi was fighting for the nation and today. We have nothing but great resources and we have put them to be used by those who obviously care about themselves. They build products with these resources and sell them back to us.

To exactly guess what HE would have done in this era: I am too small for this but I can try, Do let me know if you think you would like to add or edit something in comments or tweet me @harry_inaction.

May be he would have first focused on the basics again rather then technology:
1. When there are people dying for food, having sessions for best dishes can not be the best part of the society.
2. When there are problems with basics of life, the luxury can not be awarded.
3. Finally, a revolution to make people realize the value of values and rebooting humanity itself because people don’t know the real problem to be solved.

Its not like there was not luxury in his those times but there were bigger problems. Again I may be too small to guess how Mr Gandhi would have reacted in these times but simply putting his basic methodologies, I believe Human Values in real life would have been the focus which are worst today and most important to take care of most the things.

No, I’ve not studied his biographies, I am nobody, I don’t know about Mr Gandhi too much. Chapter closed, back to basics.

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