Carry yourself one more step forward…

& just one more step forward..

And then Just One more step forward

& Keeping your eyes on the expected results

And the resources you have

& the support you can arrange

And the things you’ve learnt

and the fun you can have in the moment

& the value you can add to the situation at hand

& the biases you may have

And the things you like

And the things that can impact

& the things that do not

& the sounds of the universe

And the imagination limits you’ve got

And the friends you have

& the ones you care about

& Smile and Carry yourself one more step forward

& just one more step forward..

It won’t be difficult anymore

May be Take a break, look around

may be take a step back

& look for the anomalies

OR break everything and start from scratch

Consider it a game

Whichever you would like

OR create a new one

Because the journey has to last.

Coz Life is ours, we live it our way.

n nothing else matterz