Credits: Some beautiful mind out there.

I am not sure, who is the author of the Image above. 

The image shows a clear scenario, that whatever has happened in the past i.e. events and path before today can't be touched unless we have time machine. But possibilities in the future are still endless.

Image Credits: A beautiful mind out there.. Tim Urban of Wait Buy Why

The image shows a clear scenario, that whatever has happened in the past i.e. events and path before today can’t be touched unless we have time machine. But possibilities in the future are still endless.

Assisted Alternate Reality as a service to help humanity evolve with 0.1% more control over the variable and improvise and improve.

Tagging a relevant twitter thread on similar lines by fello interesting people.

Imagine the Movie Inside Out by Pixar, but all emotions as actors as (A Part Of) yourself.

Walking down the same point of the path of life with each emotion being stronger then everyone else involved in the event, one emotion at a time hence reaching different destinations.

Now imagine the system that can help you visualize THAT event operatively and iteratively with proper hooks and tools.

One day Making the user powerful enough to not require the tools. Rather, let the tools evolve. Rather, let the user evolve the tools. 🤓

Draft 1.0 July 19, 2021

One Thing At A Time

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